Balance isn’t just about standing on one foot; it’s crucial for everyday movements, and dumbbell balance exercises can play a big role in enhancing it. Incorporating dumbbells into your workout routine not only builds strength but also challenges your body ...

When I first got pregnant, I had an unexpected new challenge when it came to working out: keeping my newly voluptuous boobs in line. Not knowing how a sports bra should fit, my solution at the time was to buy ...

Training your shoulder mobility may not seem as exciting as, say, lifting heavy weights or sprinting on a track. But it deserves to share the spotlight in your fitness routine. The reason? Having adequate range of motion in all shoulder ...

I’m playing with my baby on the floor and all of a sudden he’s decided he’s hungry. The challenge: Get the two of us from the rug to the nursing chair before my son’s whimper turns into a full blown ...

Runners are known to wax poetic about the elusive runner’s high: those rare moments of endorphin-fueled euphoria when your legs feel strong, your pace is swift, and the miles pass beneath your feet with minimal effort as you take in ...

Whether you’re taking a Pilates class on the reformer or the mat, there’s one move guaranteed to ignite your abs—the Pilates hundred. Traditionally used as a warm-up exercise, the move is “primarily a breathing exercise meant to strengthen and challenge ...

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) is a common hormonal disorder affecting many women worldwide. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), PCOS affects an estimated 8–13% of reproductive-aged women, and up to 70% of affected women remain undiagnosed worldwide. What is ...

After 10 years leading Peloton rides, superstar teacher and newly minted Lululemon ambassador Cody Rigsby trusts himself when he gets on the bike. He doesn’t need an amp up song or meditation, no mantras or pre-class yoga flow. Rigsby simply ...

When it comes to sculpting a stronger, rounder backside, the hip thrust is the gold standard of glute exercises. This exercise uniquely targets your gluteus maximus muscle, which makes up the bulk of the shape of your butt and hips. ...

Almonds are extremely versatile, as they can be consumed in any form – raw, soaked, peeled, or with the peel. Almonds, in any form, are nutritious and contribute to various health benefits such as weight management, controlling blood sugar, lowering ...